23andMe Launches Its First NIH Funded Study
By Amy Kiefer and Kim Barnholt 23andMe is excited to announce the launch of our first National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research project. In the fall of 2010, 23andMe received a NIH Small...
View ArticleA Prescription for Personalizing Medicine
While a lot of the discussion about personalized medicine is focused on the future, Felix Frueh of Medco Health Solutions believes the most promising possibilities for individualized care could be...
View ArticleSNPWatch: Variants Associated with Clopidogrel Efficacy and Stent Thrombosis
Bakers know that some recipes are more complicated than others; some recipes require numerous ingredients, exact measurements and careful preparation, while others, such as my favorite peanut butter...
View ArticleFather Knows Best
My parents aren’t world-class athletes, but in the summer of 2009 they both competed in the Senior Olympics. They were representing their home state of Wyoming, where people — much less senior...
View ArticleLeveraging The Direct-to-Patient Research Model in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Janssen Healthcare Innovation, a unit of Janssen Research & Development, LLC, is sponsoring a study in rheumatoid arthritis patients that will be conducted by MediGuard.org (a subsidiary of...
View ArticleThe Most Exciting Time in Science
There are grand visions about what genetic discoveries will be made in the distant future, but what about in the next five years. That was the question Dr. Eric Green, the director of the National...
View Article23andMe Launches Its First NIH Funded Study
By Amy Kiefer and Kim Barnholt23andMe is excited to announce the launch of our first National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research project. In the fall of 2010, 23andMe received a NIH Small...
View ArticleBiotech Company Applies for FDA Permission to Market Gene-Targeted Heart...
Researchers are sometimes frustrated when a prospective drug proves effective in some patients, but not enough to justify giving it to everyone who has the condition it is intended to treat. The...
View ArticleMedco to Include Genetics in Comparison of Anti-Clotting Drug Effectiveness
Medco Health Solutions, Inc., announced this week that it will conduct a clinical trial to assess whether clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix ®, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-aventis) is just as effective...
View ArticleLarge Study Reveals Details of African American Genetic Ancestry
As shown in these ancestry paintings from 23andMe, the proportion of African DNA can vary widely for African Americans. A recent study led by Carlos Bustamante of Cornell and Sarah Tishkoff of the...
View ArticleGenetic Tests Can Reduce Risks From Blood Thinner Warfarin
Today at the American College of Cardiology conference in Atlanta, researchers from the Mayo Clinic and Medco Health Solutions, Inc., presented results showing that using genetic testing to guide...
View Article23andMe Launches Its First NIH Funded Study
By Amy Kiefer and Kim Barnholt 23andMe is excited to announce the launch of our first National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research project. In the fall of 2010, 23andMe received a NIH Small...
View ArticleA Prescription for Personalizing Medicine
While a lot of the discussion about personalized medicine is focused on the future, Felix Frueh of Medco Health Solutions believes the most promising possibilities for individualized care could be...
View ArticleFather Knows Best
My parents aren’t world-class athletes, but in the summer of 2009 they both competed in the Senior Olympics. They were representing their home state of Wyoming, where people – much less senior...
View ArticleLeveraging The Direct-to-Patient Research Model in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Janssen Healthcare Innovation, a unit of Janssen Research & Development, LLC, is sponsoring a study in rheumatoid arthritis patients that will be conducted by MediGuard.org (a subsidiary of...
View ArticleThe Most Exciting Time in Science
There are grand visions about what genetic discoveries will be made in the distant future, but what about in the next five years. That was the question Dr. Eric Green, the director of the National...
View ArticleNew Study Shows That Genetic Information Can Improve Administration Of...
Each time a doctor writes a prescription for warfarin (Coumadin ®), a blood thinner given to about two million people each year in the United States, it’s a guessing game. There is no “right” dose...
View ArticleFDA Updates Label for Commonly Used Blood Thinner to Include Dosing...
Warfarin (Coumadin ®) is a blood thinner given to people at high risk for the formation of blood clots due to conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, heart valve disease or replacement, and irregular...
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